
Collaborative Polls
A Collaborative Poll is a county-wide survey which includes questions posed by any organization with an interest in the opinions of the residents of that county in which each participant purchases only those questions necessary to meet their information and research needs.
Past Poll Participants Include:
County and City Government
Boards of Developmental Disabilities
Behavioral Health Boards/Agencies
Parks and Recreation
Public Transportation
Levy-Funded Agencies
Social Service agencies
Health Departments
Colleges and Universities
United Ways/Non-Profits
Chambers of Commerce
Arts and Culture Organizations
Children/Job & Family Services
Maximize your Budget
CMOR conducts annual Collaborative Polls as a research service offered to community organizations and local businesses as an affordable method of collecting information on opinions & attitudes of county residents.
What it includes
Consultation to identify focus of organizational research needs​
Questions designed to meet information needs
Detailed report with analysis of questions and cross-tabulations by demographic characteristics
Comprehensive set of demographic and quality of life questions included in the survey at no additional cost to participating organizations.
Reasons to Participate
Large sample size ensuring results are valid and reliable
Data is cross tabbed by Key Demographics
Measure Community or Consumer Satisfaction
Measure Support for an Initiative or Levy
Track Trends
Gauge Impact of a Marketing or PR Campaign
Determine Name/Service Recognition and Awareness
Measure attitudes and opinions
Identify Community and Customer Need